Get empowered and inspired.
1- Coaching
I partner with you to create practical and results-focused strategies that lead you to take your career to the next level. Find your full potential, be more confident and pursue the higher goals
2- Impactful Individual Contributors
If you are on the path to grow and change your career trajectory, we will conduct specific self-assessments, values exploration and leadership skill applications. Develop a clear roadmap to take you to the next level in your career.
3- Women Leadership Coaching
Being a doer to being a leader is a daunting transition for everyone. Women leaders face unique obstacles while pursuing senior impact and scope. Women don’t have many role models at the top, making it hard to find their authentic leadership style, which leads to unauthentic leadership styles. Women are natural leaders, and leadership needs to be effortless. I work with you to develop the most effective strategies for building high-performing work cultures, teams and communities.

One-on-One Coaching
We believe that people have limitless potential to transform their lives. In one-on-one coaching, we offer an approach that is unique to you and your career. We create strategies that are results-driven to accelerate the growth of your professional life.

Group Coaching
Connect with a tribe of professional women who possess similar values and beliefs and have the same career aspirations as you — amazing things can happen. Expand your network of valuable connections, give and receive support by being a part of something bigger than yourself.

Organization development consulting
Our global consulting team provides expertise in leadership development and organizational change in public and private sector organizations. Our approach is ‘straight from the field, not from the textbooks. We present customized solutions and measurable results.
If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.
–African Proverb
Join group coaching and find limitless possibilities for career growth and opportunities.

Are you a Professional?
“I was expecting a talk but instead I was very pleasantly surprised to participate in an interactive and very personable session with Naila. Her professional yet easy presentation style had us all engaged for the 4 hour session and I am happy to say I have made some new and interesting contacts with the other participants. Often these kinds of training sessions aren’t affordable for all but the price point is perfect and attainable for most.
Naila provided real-life examples, simple and easy to apply methods and tools and an interactive, friendly environment which allowed for creative thinking and willing participation from everyone involved. I would absolutely recommend this seminaire and I hope to participate in more in the future. It is rare to find such generosity of sharing years experiences, successes and failures. 10/10 for change management tools and methods, professionalism and networking.”
Thank you Naila!

Laura Player
Senior Consultant at Sinfony